“the poet” by Aamina Mughal
March 30, 2023
the poet this is you on your knees, surreal roses unfurled in a ghastly inversion at your feet. you balled your fists and balled your eyes out while you were patted on the back, like the ancient, qura...
A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures
the poet this is you on your knees, surreal roses unfurled in a ghastly inversion at your feet. you balled your fists and balled your eyes out while you were patted on the back, like the ancient, qura...
“The Wizard of Bygone Boulevard” by Jo Chick Bygone boulevard was by no means a lively place, considering its inhabitants consisted of geriatric witches and wizards. For most of BygoneR...
Through a deep night shines a spark of hope like a wasp without a stinger like a blinding rip in the needles of the air no one sees this hope or maybe they’re just too tired to care It flickers thro...
Plato once asserted that justice, in the scheme of morality and goodness, ultimately comes down to compromise. We discussed it in class, so it must be true, but tell me, philosopher, if perhaps I coul...
“With your pictures you apparently want to arouse in us a feeling of having to swallow rope or drink kerosene.” – Braque to Picasso Maybe it’s as simple as this: Maybe God’s hundredt...
He sits at the desk beside Teacher, scribbling words on the back of the coloring sheet while the rest of the class enjoys the playground and each other. His mom asks her maternal comrades what to do, ...
Ideas in the Clouds Take me home ………what is that can we start ……….do we ever Why do you fly, not walk ……….Why do you walk, not fly Who are you ...
Freedom tastes like a hearty soup, Warming the esophagus and stomach, Potatoes and herbs, soft beef, Freedom is a sour lemonade, The sugar sunk to the bottom, Crunchy ice, that good kind, Freedom tast...
I can’t tell you how it kills me. …..Song like the bleeding heart of fire ……….breeds the incandescent waver of ……………water rapt in wrapping ‘ro...
It was a cold and wet evening on January 5 just outside of downtown Seattle. There was an amazing baby being born on South Main Street in a small brick apartment building. In unit number 5, there was ...