A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Ruth Dickey stands at a lectern speaking into the microphone while holding a piece of paper.

A Letter from Ruth

Dear friends, In the first poem in 2019/20 Youth Poet Laureate Wei-Wei Lee’s book, In the Footsteps of a Thousand Griefs, she writes:   Since then, I am always half-turned, wherever I go. Into classrooms, turning corners. On Metro buses or LINK trains. Walking to school in the soft wash of sun and dew or headed home, […]

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Liz Keenan is in a grassy field with a golden Labrador and a black Labrador

Faces of SAL: Liz Keenan

We are so fortunate to have a team of volunteers that give their time and skills to SAL. Liz Keenan is one such volunteer, and she has helped out in the SAL office for the past year; and, when we had to close the office due to COVID-19 and work from home, Liz was ready […]

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Summer Book Bingo: Books by Indigenous Authors

There are only three weeks left to play Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, so be sure to get your card! Engage with other bingo players and find out their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social media. During this country’s history, 573 Tribal Nations […]

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2020 Summer Book Bingo: Mentioned in Another Book

Our volunteers love to read and play Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, as much as we do! Download your card here. Engage with other bingo players and find out their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social media. Mary Kay Feather has volunteered for SAL for over […]

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Ruth Dickey stands at a lectern speaking into the microphone while holding a piece of paper.

A Letter from Ruth

Dear friends, August is (since 2017) the month of The Sealey Challenge, launched by Nicole Sealey, former Executive Director of Cave Canem. The challenge is simple—read 31 books or chapbooks of poetry in 31 days—and I’m cheating on my Summer Book Bingo to participate this year for the first time. I love feeling like I’m […]

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Summer Book Bingo: What Mark Suzman is Reading

We love getting a window into what our friends and community members are reading—and Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, is our favorite way to spark those conversations. Download your card here. Engage with other bingo players and find out their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social […]

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A Musical Journey with David Mitchell and Hari Kunzru

Throughout our online event with English novelists David Mitchell and Hari Kunzru on July 23, many of us found ourselves frantically jotting down misspelled names of musicians, albums, and obscure musical genres as we tried to keep up with their listening recommendations. Mitchell, who has most recently penned the psychedelic rock portrait Utopia Avenue, and Kunzru, […]

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2020 Summer Book Bingo: Debut Book by Author Over 50

Summer Book Bingo is our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library! Download your card here. Engage with other bingo players and find out their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social media. Need some great reads for the “Debut Book by Author Over 50” square? Ruth Dickey, SAL’s Executive Director, shares with […]

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Summer Book Bingo: What Nicole Tsong’s Reading

We love getting a window into what our friends and community members are reading—and Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, is our favorite way to spark those conversations. Download your card here. Engage with other bingo players and find out their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social […]

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2020 Summer Book Bingo: Myth or Fable (Original or Retold)

We’re half way through summer, so it’s time to get serious about filling up our 2020 Summer Book Bingo cards. Summer Book Bingo is our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library! Download your card here. Engage with other bingo players and find out their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social media. […]

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