“Untitled” by Avery Brown
October 5, 2023
This comic was made by Avery Brown, as a 6th grader at Renaissance School of Art and Reasoning with WITS Writer-in-Residence David Lasky, performed at our SAL Presents event with Oliver Jeffers...
A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures
This comic was made by Avery Brown, as a 6th grader at Renaissance School of Art and Reasoning with WITS Writer-in-Residence David Lasky, performed at our SAL Presents event with Oliver Jeffers...
I have a name, but not one representative in its nature. You humans refer to it with these multi-syllable menageries called pheromones, symbolic as inaccessible to most fine creatures on this earth, b...
When did I start falling behind My life, a game of 4 square I must have not been paying attention When did they started adding all these new rules I was completely oblivious Everyone ran along the lin...
In new woods, deer come as new life, growth, but blood looming. For you, deer, may have swift eyes, but what of your hooves? Because you must run, swift as the wind, but can’t hide. DEER is of the c...
Two roads in front of you, you take the road less traveled. Pfft, easy. Wait. Is that a Third road? When did that get here?
My brain is orange juice in a Klein Bottle. My sloppy thoughts go around in circles, but the journey is smooth. My legs are the wings of a bird. Taking chances and leading with purpose Even flying on ...
To travel is to be a passenger whose Memory is something that follows us where our lives themselves cannot. Personhood in motion is merely moment, after moment, after all; pieces of ourselves we put t...
Their Name Once upon a time their name was annoying and fake. Maddie was a coward, she was an outcast, a mistake. She trusted people blindly, as a result she was contorted. And who is she to blame exc...
American Poetry I imagine my brand-new copy of The Best American Poetry 2021 lying stiff and silent after the apocalypse. I’d like to remain conservative a little longer. save seed for winter. watch...
praise poem i praise my street smarts. i praise the ability to tell right from wrong and knowing when to do the wrong things for the right reasons. i praise my book smarts. i praise my ability ...