“Inheritance,” by Janae Lu
March 28, 2024
You ask me what I will inherit, You want the easy answer—the kind I would have given you as a child When the glass was half full and full of fairytales, 3D printed hearts, primordial forests, Cars m...
A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures
You ask me what I will inherit, You want the easy answer—the kind I would have given you as a child When the glass was half full and full of fairytales, 3D printed hearts, primordial forests, Cars m...
My limbs go loose. Digging deeper and deeper into the earth. As if they are searching for food. My blood seeps out. I wince at the wound. It’s been there since I learned how to talk. It kept me sile...
Hello old friend. Have you stopped hiding from me? Have you stopped pretending that you’re listening just around the corner, is that why you touch me with silence? Or is it because two worlds ar...
Time is how flowers grow slow. Time is how flowers die fast. Time is a fox that used to be a cat. Time is the past that used to be the future. Time used to be a clock. Time is a frog dancing on a cat....
At 24 mile creek you can see the sea. The ocean is right to me. In the forest we chatter and have fun and datter and tell puns. Within the dock without a lock, adrift upon the sea, where will I go wha...
I don’t quite know where I’m from who I was, or what I did, but now I am The One: The Kid The Mystery The Storm The Lightning The Clouds The Sun The Moon The Stars The Luck The Good The Bad The Sa...
At 8 years old I sat in the corner Knees to my face not making a noise Sent there due to my “disorder” When I said I liked a boy That three-letter phrase Set my world ablaze For this is just the s...
I stare up into the clouds and grieve the world that we have lost I plead with mother Earth to return to her warm and welcoming grasp as I lay there dirt rubbing against my skin I wish to be returned ...
The sun beats down, hot as fire, as hatred burns with a fierce desire. The olive trees weep, their branches low, as death and destruction continue to grow. They now stand as silent witnesses to this l...
I like red, and I like birds, and I like red birds. So, I like flying. So do birds. I don’t like worms. Birds do. So, I will look for birds sometimes. This poem was written by Kingston Jackso...