A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

The Perfect SAL Event for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

By Danielle Palmer-Friedman, with illustrations by Madeline Kernan In mid-September, the SAL constellation will enter the literary house, meaning buzzing hearts and minds for anyone under its sway. Our predictions for the upcoming months: First, you’ll need to keep your cool and resist love affairs with several literary stars, whose arrival will be heralded by […]

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Faces of SAL: Danielle Palmer-Friedman

Many people work for SAL behind-the-scenes and it take a team to make it all happen. Danielle Palmer-Friedman has worked with SAL for the past year in a variety of ways—as a Words Matter volunteer, running front of house at events, and being a social media extraordinaire, to name just a few. Read on to […]

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5 Questions: Bre’Anna Girdy, WITS Program Coordinator

Meet Bre’Anna Girdy, our new Writers in the Schools Program Coordinator! Bre’Anna, who will be working with the WITS team to help empower young people in WITS classrooms, publications, and on SAL stages, is a recent University of Washington grad with a top secret reading spot. To introduce Bre’Anna to the SAL and WITS communities […]

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Summer Book Bingo Made Me Do It: A Comment Round-Up

In the SAL offices, perched on top of our kitchen table, is a little wire basket which only gets filled in the summer months—it’s our Summer Book Bingo mailbox, where an entrant’s board goes to await the prize drawings. What’s just as fascinating as the squares is each board’s reverse side, where bingo players talk […]

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Accessibility at SAL Events: A Primer

Seattle Arts & Lectures is committed to making our spaces and events accessible to all. We want to make positive adjustments so that our patrons’ experiences are the best they can be. Did you know, for instance, that if you’re attending a SAL lecture and require seating near the stage to accommodate your needs, but […]

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“My Name,” by Chimamanda Danita Egboh

  My name is Chimamanda Danita Egboh My name means I am gifted. She does not know what she is made up of. She wants to be special like the others. She sings in the church, but only when the others do, too. She doesn’t realize her talent is hidden from everyone. She knows there’s […]

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Summer Book Bingo: The BIG 5—5 Books that Think BIG

By Rachel Bachler It’s sitting there just staring at you. The end of the last ‘sunny-picture’ calendar page. Only a few short weeks until you inevitably lift the page to see a background of orange and red maples looming above the family in matching Pendleton coats and yellow rain boots. Aside from the pumpkin spice […]

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6 Science Reads for Long August Days

By Ines Tucakovic August marks the pinnacle of summer for those of us living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, as the weather finally stabilizes a bit and we can enjoy the splendor of elongated days filled with sunshine and late sunsets. Book lovers everywhere can rejoice – this means extra hours in the sun to […]

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“I Am,” by Alexandra Faye Sims

I am a star floating in the sky. I am a ballerina dancing in the moonlight. I am a moon sparkling in the starlight. I am a dream about roses dancing in the rain. I stand in good relation to me and my mom because I am alive. I am alive.

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Summer Book Bingo: Top 7 Books Gone Blockbuster

By Rachel Bachler It only takes a moment. The peer through a locked door, the knock of an unexpected guest; a moment that, in an intimate bigness, all at once fills our eyes with wonder and our heart with anticipation. Occasionally, a moment comes along imparting such wonder and curiosity that we can’t help but […]

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