A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“And They Do” by Helena Goos

The silence stretches, yawning across the land. Quiet, so quiet. A strange reverie, unbroken by sound.                         The bombs have stopped. The children, born in a world where the thunder is a part of life, whimper. The elders, so few, so old, raise their heads in disbelief. For they remember, a time when bombs did […]

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An Essay from “Seismic” by Dr. Charles Johnson

This essay appears in Seismic: Seattle, City of Literature, an anthology edited by Kristen Millares Young, featuring writers from all across the city. Seattle was designated a UNESCO City of Literature in 2017 and has been working as part of the international network since then. Seismic is a collection that asks writers to consider what the designation […]

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Tech Tips for Streaming Events

Welcome to your step-by-step guide to accessing online events with Seattle Arts & Lectures! The SAL Box Office is always happy to assist you with any trouble you may encounter in connecting to our online events, but before you reach out, we recommend reading this troubleshooting guide first—your question is likely answered below. Steps 1-4 […]

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A Decade of Letterpress: Robin Kessler

Each year, in a project led by Sierra Nelson and Ann Teplick of Writers in the Schools, and the School of Visual Concepts, long-term patients from Seattle Children’s Hospital and a team of letterpress artists join forces to create an extraordinary collection of handprinted, limited-edition broadsides. These works of arts—which you may have oohed and […]

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Faces of WITS: Arianne True

Our next featured WITS Writer-in-Residence for the “Faces of WITS” series is Arianne True. Not only does Arianne teach at Hamilton International Middle School, Licton Springs K-8 School, and Nathan Hale High School, Arianne is also one of the Youth Poet Laureate (YPL) program mentors—check out this interview for more info. This fall, Arianne is […]

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Faces of SAL: Gabriela Denise Frank

Those interviews you’ve read on the SAL blog that start with a beautiful reflection, then flow into a conversation about SAL’s biome of writing and reading? The person behind those blog pieces is Gabriela Denise Frank. Often called ‘the interviewer extraordinaire’ by the SAL team,  Gabriela is the asker and the stitcher, drawing out the […]

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An Essay from “Seismic” by Anastacia-Renée

This essay appears in Seismic: Seattle, City of Literature, an anthology edited by Kristen Millares Young, featuring writers from all across the city. Seattle was designated a UNESCO City of Literature in 2017 and has been working as part of the international network since then. Seismic is a collection that asks writers to consider what the designation […]

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An Interview with Laura Da’ & Arianne True, Co-Mentors of Seattle’s Youth Poet Laureate Program

By Gabriela Denise Frank  As our nation’s underpinnings come under greater scrutiny, I’ve been in a parallel process of personal inquiry, digging into generational and cultural foundations that have shaped my writing practice and relationship to art-making, capitalism, and self-worth. You know, easy, light stuff. Months of reflection have revealed how my upbringing isn’t a […]

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Ruth Dickey stands at a lectern speaking into the microphone while holding a piece of paper.

A Letter from Ruth

Dear friends, As we nervously count down to the election, watch Coronavirus cases around the world climb steadily higher, and settle into the rain and dark, we’re all holding a steady drumbeat of unease. I truly hope this letter finds you healthy and finding things that bring comfort amidst the seemingly never-endingness of, well, everything. This […]

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