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“I Used to Own a Sky Full of Stars” by Luella Seamans

I am the breeze that hits you on a cold day
I am the perfect but imperfect plant you try to grow
I am the expected but unexpected snow on a chilling night
I am the rain that disturbs a sunny day

But I’m not the fresh-baked pie straight from the oven
Or the perfect sunset
I am not the precise picture you draw on a sunny day
I am all the flavors in the world

The sky is filled with thousands of letters
There is a figure standing with an eye on its cape
There is a maze full of bugs
Why is the sky so big

There is a figure standing, an eye on its cape
I used to own a sky full of stars
Why is the sky so big
Because of all the beautiful things that make it up

I used to own a sky full of stars
a maze full of bugs
all of the beautiful things that make us up
the sky is filled with thousands of letters

Luella Seamans wrote this poem as part of WITS writer Rachel Kessler’s class at Salish Coast Elementary School. Performed on the digital stage at SAL’s 2020/21 Poetry Series event with Maggie Smith on Friday, January 22, 2021.

Posted in Student WritingPoetry SeriesWriters in the Schools2020/21 Season