A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Writers in the Schools

“Where I’m From,” by WITS Student Ahlam Khaleefa

Where I’m From I come from Ding Dong, Beep Beep Beep, Sponge Bob Squarepants. I come from the comfy gold sofa, sitting at a brown desk and putting on lipstick. Where I come from the clock goes backwards and the eyeliner won’t turn. Where I come from we eat Subway sandwiches and Ethiopian dishes, we […]

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WITS Voices: Page as Garden

By Samar Abulhassan, WITS Writer-in-Residence “It is like writing my eyes instead of hands.” “You know how when you go into the wilderness you are expected to bring out your trash, leaving nothing behind? I spent the first half of my life leaving words in the world, and will spend the last half taking them […]

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Overheard at a View Ridge Elementary School Poetry Reading

Last week, as I sat in the back of the View Ridge Elementary School library, several classes of fourth graders began to file into the room, prompting me to consider the most appropriate attire for an elementary school poetry reading. The available options included: a neon-green Seahawks knit hat (with blue tuft topper); a purple […]

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WITS Voices: The Circle in the Room

By Daemond Arrindell, WITS Writer-in-Residence It was my first day returning to a high school on the south side of Seattle, where I have taught during residencies for the past three years. I hadn’t seen the kids for more than six months after working with them last winter, so I decided to teach a lesson […]

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WITS Voices: Writing Towards the Shadowed Horizon

By Laura Gamache, WITS Writer-in-Residence Years ago, my friend Linda and I were sitting in a circle of new mothers. Her son, Peter, was nine or ten. He was by far the oldest child at our gathering. He amiably agreed to go into the backyard with a group of little boys. After a bit, a […]

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WITS Voices: Getting from Ordinary to Intimate

By Margot Kahn Case, WITS Writer-in-Residence One of the many vagaries of high school, as I remember it and as I see it played out in my WITS classes, is the question, “What makes me unique?” It’s so easy to go down the “I’m-not-very-interesting” path, in the same way that it’s easy to lose sight […]

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“I am,” by WITS Student Mohammed AlShubayli

Mohammed AlShubayli wrote “I am” while he was a patient at Seattle Children’s Hospital, with WITS Writer-in-Residence Sierra Nelson. His poem was made into a broadside designed and printed by artist Juliet Shen, in partnership with the School of Visual Concepts. We hope you will join us next Thursday, January 14 from 6-8 p.m., at Cupcake Royale on Capitol […]

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WITS Voices: Tall Tales for Short Writers

By Karen Finneyfrock, WITS Writer-in-Residence In researching lesson ideas for a new WITS residency focused on tall tales, I Googled, “exaggeration for kids.” The top hits all advertised tips on getting your child to stop exaggerating. What better indication that tall tales would be perfect stories for fourth graders? Kids love to exaggerate! Tall tales […]

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“Black,” by WITS Student Anisa Rae Robinson

Black My color is the color of absence, silence. The memory of something you thought was there, but now it’s gone. The color of your mind when you’re in a deep rest. The color of shadows that follow you everywhere you go. My color tastes bitter and icky. My color is lovely. My color is […]

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