A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Behind the Scenes

Bookshop Superheroes: Oh Hello Again

In appreciation of our local indies who have reinvented their processes and protocols during the past year in the service of getting the just-right book into the just-right hands, our Bookshop Superheroes blog series features interviews with our partner bookstores.  This week, we’re featuring Oh Hello Again, our neighbor on 15th Ave. E., who is […]

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Faces of Bushwick: Nick Droz

To celebrate our longtime partnership with Bushwick Book Club Seattle, we’re speaking with local musicians who have composed and performed songs inspired by the written works of SAL speakers. Learn about these hometown talents and discover their music in our Faces of Bushwick interview series. In this installment, we talk with singer-songwriter Nick Droz, who is handy with […]

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WITS Interview: Rika Kurdyla-Smith

by Gabriela Denise Frank Throughout time, the powers of poets have been hailed as nothing short of mystical. Poets are seers and oracles. They treat with gods, muses, ghosts. Their carefully crafted lines conjure images that, to readers and listeners, incarnate ephemeral ideas into forms solid enough to see and touch—at least by the mind. […]

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An Update on SAL’s Executive Director Search

Dear SAL Community, On behalf of SAL’s Executive Director Search Committee, we’re pleased to update you on our process. Our Search Committee of nine includes SAL Board members, a SAL staff member, a writer from our Writers in the Schools program, and a local arts sector leader. We’ve been working in close partnership with Koya Partners […]

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Bookshop Superheroes: Estelita’s Library

In appreciation of our local indies who have reinvented their processes and protocols during the past year in the service of getting the just-right book into the just-right hands, our Bookshop Superheroes blog series features interviews with our partner bookstores. This week, we’re featuring Estelita’s Library, who is taking over our Instagram on Wednesday, September 15! […]

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Bookshop Superheroes: Third Place Books—Seward Park

In appreciation of our local indies who have reinvented their processes and protocols during the past year in the service of getting the just-right book into the just-right hands, our Bookshop Superheroes blog series features interviews with our partner bookstores.  This week, we’re featuring Third Place Books: Seward Park, who is taking over our Instagram […]

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Faces of SAL: Susan Long-Walsh

We have more new faces on the SAL Board of Directors to introduce you to! Most of our board members began their SAL journey the same way you did: as readers and event-goers. Learn about the moments that inspired them to become involved more deeply with SAL, what they do, where they come from, and […]

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Faces of SAL: Alicia Craven, Director of Education

by Gabriela Denise Frank “If you’re going to have to figure out new things, artists are a good group to be with,” Alicia Craven, SAL’s Director of Education, noted. “They’re inventive, creative, and open to seeing possibilities that a more linear thinking pattern might not allow for.” Alicia was speaking about her colleagues—the cohort of […]

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Faces of Bushwick: Wes Weddell

To celebrate our longtime partnership (since 2015!) with The Bushwick Book Club Seattle, we’re speaking with local musicians who have composed and performed songs inspired by the written works of SAL speakers. Learn about these hometown talents and discover their music in our Faces of Bushwick interview series. In this installment, we talk with frontman, sideman, writer, […]

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Bookshop Superheroes: Madison Books

In appreciation of our local indies who have reinvented their processes and protocols during the past year in the service of getting the just-right book into the just-right hands, our Bookshop Superheroes blog series features interviews with our partner bookstores.  This week, we’re featuring Madison Books, who took over our Instagram today, Tuesday, August 24! […]

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