A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Behind the Scenes

Introductions: Peter Wohlleben

By Rebecca Hoogs, Executive Director In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben describes what he found by listening to trees: “Puzzles and wonders… Daily dramas and moving love stories… Here is the last remaining piece of Nature, right on our doorstep, where adventures are to be experienced and secrets discovered.” For trees, being old […]

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What the SAL Staff is Reading (and Eating!): Fall Edition

In this edition of SAL Staff Reads, we turn our attention to Thanksgiving break, where our eleven team members answer the two most burning questions of the moment: what to eat—and what book to unwind with after the eating is done!  Piper Daugharty, WITS Program Associate I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness by Claire […]

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Introductions: Louise Erdrich

By Rebecca Hoogs, Executive Director I am excited to continue our 2021/22 Literary Arts Series with Louise Erdrich, weaver of identities, secrets, ghost stories, and modern-day myths. We are here to celebrate the publication of her newest book, The Sentence, which was released just yesterday. Congratulations, Louise, on this tremendous accomplishment! The Sentence is Erdrich’s seventeenth […]

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Faces of Bushwick: Ben Mish

To celebrate our longtime partnership with Bushwick Book Club Seattle, we’re speaking with local musicians who have composed and performed songs inspired by the written works of SAL speakers. Learn about these hometown talents and discover their music in our Faces of Bushwick interview series. In this installment, we talk with Ben Mish, a skilled piano man with […]

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Five Questions: Indira Dahlstrom, WITS Program Coordinator

A warm welcome to Indira Dahlstrom, our new WITS Program Coordinator! To introduce her to the SAL community, we asked Indira five questions—get to know her below! Welcome to the team! Can you tell us a little about your role at SAL? I am the WITS Program Coordinator at SAL, which means I get to […]

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CAT Partner Spotlight: Chief Seattle Club

Our Community Access Tickets (CAT) program welcomes people into the SAL community by eliminating price as a barrier. For the next quarter, the CAT program will be co-presented with Chief Seattle Club. To celebrate our partnership with this longtime Seattle organization, we sat down with Development Coordinator Nadine M. Philp (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe/Anishinaabe) to hear […]

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Five Questions: Mickee Cheung, SAL’s Donor Relations Associate

Meet Mickee Cheung, SAL’s brand new Donor Relations Associate! To introduce her to the SAL community, we asked Mickee five questions, so read on for all the intel about her new role on SAL’s development team, her hobbies, and which SAL events she’s loved in the past… Welcome to the team! Can you tell us […]

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Announcing SAL’s New Executive Director!

Dear SAL community, After a six-month national search, it is with tremendous pleasure that we are announcing today the SAL Board of Directors has named Rebecca Hoogs as Seattle Arts & Lectures’ new Executive Director. Rebecca has worked passionately on behalf of SAL’s mission and community for the past seventeen years, bringing a love for language, literature, […]

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There’s the Overthrow and There’s the Rebuild

This essay is part of a series in which Seattle Arts & Lectures partners with Poetry Northwest to present reflections on visiting writers from the SAL Poetry Series. On Friday, October 15, Kaveh Akbar read and discussed his work with Lena Khalaf Tuffaha at the Hugo House. This event is still available to attend online until October 22 […]

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