“Here’s to… (A Shout-out Poem),” by Delilah Gregory
May 22, 2024
Here’s to the best things
to the lemon Hi-chews
to the yellows and blues
to the spring day
to the weather today!
to Tootsie Pops
to tiny little shops
to Ratatouille
to Toy Story 3
to weird-looking bugs
to colorful mugs
to cookies and cream
to pints of ice cream
to the lights in the sky
to a single french fry
to the motion of the ocean
to the sand of the land
to blinking and breathing
to writing and reading
to the end!
This poem was written by Delilah Gregory, as a 6th grader at Washington Middle School with WITS writer-in-residence Samar Abulhassan. Performed at the SAL Presents event with Kathleen Hanna on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at Town Hall Seattle.