A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“Ego Vibes,” by Nemo Trice

My light is so bright people can’t see it’s so fast
that it could go down to the deepest depths of the
ocean all the way to Japan

your head is expanding like a balloon full of my words
what I write comes to life

I’m a force of nature that you chop down with words
like an axe

cyber bullying me with your words of negativity
trying to infect me with your virus but my positivity
beats out your negativity

you don’t understand the power of kindness
good always beats evil my kindness is my superpower
and I’m the hero

and I’m your worst enemy you try to find more
negative words
too throw but I’m a mirror, so they just reflect off me

going back to your box full negativity you failed
and still falling into the void just full darkness and
words of hate so just be put in your place

you try one last time trying to throw the biggest
maddest words
you can find and shoot them at me like bullets in a gun

But because I’m the hero I block it with the power zero
you just got hit by my ego.


This poem was written by Nemo Trice, as a 9th grader at Nathan Hale High School with WITS writer-in-residence Jay Thompson. Performed at the Seattle Arts & Lectures Poetry Series featuring Terrance Hayes on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

Posted in Student WritingWriters in the SchoolsYouth Poet LaureateYouth Programs2023/24 Season