“To Whisk the Moon,” by Audrey Papineau
May 1, 2018
To Whisk the Moon
To whisk, to whisk, to whisk the moon
To fly, to soar, to light up the moon, whoosh! Tap!
Rattle tap tap! The tree, the tree, the tree
under the moon. Try everything!
To soar, to soar, to soar in the light!
To fly, to whisk, to make light, whoosh!
Tap! Flick, tap, tap! The moon, the moon,
the moon filled with light. Try everything!
To fly, to fly, to fly above the moon
to soar, to whisk, to light up the tree!
Whoosh! Tap! Murmur, tap, tap!
Audrey Papineau wrote “To Whisk the Moon” while a second grader at B.F. Day Elementary School, with WITS Writer Samar Abulhassan. Performed at Seattle Arts & Lectures’ 2017/18 SAL Presents event with Lidia Bastianich at Seattle First Baptist Church on Friday, April 13, 2018.