A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“My Name” by Selome Daniel Girma

My Name

Yesterday my name was
Engineer Selome.
Today my name is Dr. Selome.

“Hi, Engineer Selome,” they
say as I keep on building
as an artist who can’t get

I love being called
Dr. Selome. I love helping

Tomorrow I will
be an adventurist,
love going different
places. No one knows
where I will be, but one day someone will
follow me all the way to the up of the sky.

Selome Daniel Girma wrote this poem while a 4th grader at Leschi Elementary School with WITS Writer Jeanine Walker. This poem was performed at Words Matter 2018, SAL’s Benefit Gala & Literary Auction.

Posted in 2017/18 SeasonStudent WritingWords MatterWriters in the Schools