A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“Cuando Estás Conmigo,” by Portia Isabella Polo

Cuando Estás Conmigo

Dulzura era una cosa que no tenía.
Entonces, cuando abriste la puerta estaba tan feliz.
Tú haces brillar la habitación.
Me trajiste afuera de la tumba.
Tú me enseñaste que el mundo puede ser precioso.
Pero el mundo es más precioso
Cuando estás conmigo.

When You Are With Me

Sweetness was something I did not have.
So when you opened the door, I was so happy.
You make the room shine.
You brought me out of the grave.
You taught me that the world can be precious.
But the world is more precious
When you are with me.

Portia Isabella Polo wrote this poem while a 4th grader at Puesta del Sol Elementary School with WITS Writer Evelin Garcia. Performed at the Seattle Arts & Lectures 2017/18 Literary Arts Series with Isabel Allende, November 28th, 2017.

Posted in 2017/18 SeasonLiterary Arts SeriesStudent WritingWriters in the Schools