A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Faces of SAL

Faces of SAL: Susan Long-Walsh

We have more new faces on the SAL Board of Directors to introduce you to! Most of our board members began their SAL journey the same way you did: as readers and event-goers. Learn about the moments that inspired them to become involved more deeply with SAL, what they do, where they come from, and […]

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Faces of SAL: Sheehan Sullivan

We have more new faces on the SAL Board of Directors to introduce you to! Most of our board members began their SAL journey the same way you did: as readers and event-goers. Learn about the moments that inspired them to become involved more deeply with SAL, what they do, where they come from, and […]

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Faces of SAL: Colleen Rain

Gratitude and admiration are the two words that come to mind when we think of our amazing volunteers—they provide endless hours to ensure our events run smoothly, our mailings go out on time, and a million other behind-the-scenes tasks. But, they do more than help us out at SAL, so we’re launching a regular feature […]

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