A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“The Morning Chorus” by Catalina Videla

Before the sun rises, amid the clicking and chittering birdsong creeping past my curtains, I wake up under a blanket of warm darkness. The air hangs thick and full of potential as the sun rises and re...

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“Home” by Melat Tafere

I walk through the place I called “home” The place I left with An opened wound “Home” such a strong word Like a book filled with secrets but always left unread “Home” Is like a crime scene...

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“The Wrong Gift” by Adisa Grant

They beg for food and scrunch up their faces when they don’t like the taste Perpetuating a cycle of waste Quick to upturn their noses while succulent success is simmering Snuffing the flame that coo...

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“backyard bubbles” by Zaira Khemani

blowing soapy water through pink plastic wands bubbles sink ‘til they meet concrete playing make-believe, i am free the air smells of soap, fresh and wet flies collect in patches around me, but i ca...

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“Too Good” by Janae Lu

September 14th, 2024. I am seventeen years old, And I wait at a bus stop, balancing plastic grocery bags in my arms. A man approaches me Bottle in his hand, baby on his lips. When he yells, I do not p...

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“Dandelion Piece” by Selah Hage

Imagine a dandelion field. Pick a singular dandelion that represents you. Let it out of your grasp and follow it as the wind pushes it away from you. Eventually, it will fall to the ground. Watch that...

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