A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Youth Programs

Yes, And . . . God: Humanity’s Muse

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th, scholar of religions Reza Aslan will give an original, multi-media presentation on his new book, God: A Human History, an interfaith exploration of how different ideas of God have both united and divided us for millennia, as part of our 2017/18 SAL Presents Series. Tickets are still available here! In anticipation of Reza’s […]

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“Black Courage” by Maven Gardner

Black Courage There are wolves in wolves clothing Telling the weak That the sheep are the ones to fear, You are that sheep baby boy. Courage runs in your blood, So you will be tapped into. We live in a world where the authority Shoots patterns into unarmed citizens We live with crisp folds in […]

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Lily Baumgaurt, at a WITS summer camp class, smiles while paused mid-writing, young writers in the background.

What’s It Like Being Youth Poet Laureate, Anyway?

By: Lily Baumgart, 2017-18 Seattle Youth Poet Laureate Simple answer: amazing. When I was announced as the 2017/18 Youth Poet Laureate, I was in shock. My uncle had taken a video of Matt Gano announcing the winner and for days afterwards I’d watch that video over and over, making sure that it was my name […]

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WITS Voices: An Exercise in Identity

By Danny Sherrard, WITS Writer-in-Residence The subject of the exercise is identity, and I’ve heard scary stories. The idea: to bring up themes like race and gender using you (the teaching artist) as the lab rat on the first day of class. What happens is you ask, Who am I? or, What do you know about […]

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“You Do Not Have To Be The Moon,” by Emrys Foster

You Do Not Have To Be The Moon You do not have to be the moon. You do not have to follow the sun always in its footsteps you do not have to take fleeting breaths of cold clear nothing through deep craters like gills you do not have to shed a light on those […]

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“All You Ever Wanted Was A Semyon to Hold,” by Semyon Kiyan

All You Ever Wanted Was A Semyon To Hold After Anastacia Reneé All you ever wanted was a Semyon to hold Why do you always have to be there for your little sister? Why did you get yourself into this? Don’t you dare be transgender Don’t you dare get hurt because you care Don’t you […]

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2016-17 WITS Anthology Launch: Closing Remarks

Ronica Hairston, the mother of 2016-17 Youth Poet Laureate Ambassador Joseph Hairston–whose poetry you can find here and here–generously made these warm remarks in support of Writers in the Schools at our 2016-17 WITS Anthology Launch. At this celebration, over 60 K-12 students shared the poetry, stories, comics, and memoir from the brand new WITS […]

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“Do Not Forget” by 2017 YPL Ambassador Namaka Auwae-Dekker

Do Not Forget My name is more than Just a name It is a proclamation A declaration of prosperity My name is dead ancestors breathing fresh air My name carries the near dead Tongue of my lineage to shore The mispronunciation of my name is Wind blowing the sails My name has been slaughtered, Butchered, […]

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WITS Voices: Getting Around the Real

By Kelly Froh, WITS Writer-in-Residence I had an idea to engage my middle-schoolers with a series of curated exercises that would magically entwine, crossover, and accelerate their understanding of the comics form, and that these students would turn out incredible comic pages for a final printed project. It did not occur to me that some […]

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