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A hand drawn image of a young woman with a black cap that says "dunce," sitting on a stool. The figure is repeated twice, with her face tilted in a different direction both times. The background is empty and a medium-toned pink.

Now I Feel I Am On My Way

This essay is part of a series in which Poetry Northwest partners with Seattle Arts & Lectures to present reflections on visiting writers from SAL’s Poetry Series. At 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 21, Mary Ruefle will read at Seattle Central Community College—Broadway Performance Hall. Tickets are still available! By Gabrielle Bates Read more on Poetry Northwest.

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“My Island Tree,” by Margaret Dawson

It used to be A place of comfort Of freedom Of joy Then it changed Into A place of worry Of dread Of anxiety How can something so innocent Lead to changing the way I Think Feel Act This beautiful place Now holds secrets And scars I could Climb Then leap Swinging into the cool, […]

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The Perfect SAL Event for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

By Danielle Palmer-Friedman, with illustrations by Madeline Kernan In mid-September, the SAL constellation will enter the literary house, meaning buzzing hearts and minds for anyone under its sway. Our predictions for the upcoming months: First, you’ll need to keep your cool and resist love affairs with several literary stars, whose arrival will be heralded by […]

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Accessibility at SAL Events: A Primer

Seattle Arts & Lectures is committed to making our spaces and events accessible to all. We want to make positive adjustments so that our patrons’ experiences are the best they can be. Did you know, for instance, that if you’re attending a SAL lecture and require seating near the stage to accommodate your needs, but […]

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SAL’s Partner Restaurants: 9 Delicious Reasons to Subscribe

Being a SAL subscriber means saying “yes” to a year-long conversation with new and favorite authors, fellow readers, and your own bookshelf. But it also means saying “yes” to some great subscriber perks, including 10% off of books at local independent bookstores, free ticket exchanges, select “bring a friend” vouchers, and more. “More” includes a roster of discounts at […]

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“Family,” by Omar Shamdeen

Family I remember when I visited my country Kurdistan, in Iraq. I was eleven. Me, my brother and my parents had to sleep At both of my grandparents’ houses. I remember we decided to stay, which ended up Being for four years. I remember the doctors said we had to go back To the United […]

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Introductions: Solmaz Sharif

On June 3, 2019, we had the pleasure of welcoming poet Solmaz Sharif to the SAL stage—or rather, re-welcoming, as her initially-scheduled appearance in February was cancelled due to one of the worst Seattle snowstorms in years. SAL Associate Director Rebecca Hoogs gave this introduction to start the evening, and, after Sharif’s reading, the poet […]

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WITS Voices: A Place for Song in the Poetry Classroom

By Jeanine Walker, WITS Writer-in-Residence The recording is slightly muffled, but I still find its magic moments audible: during the first full practice of a new song, 6- and 7-year-olds recite lyrics right before the guitar starts, and one child exclaims, “We’re recording!” My WITS class at Alki Elementary began at ten a.m., as I […]

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“Blessing to Mom,” by Nyomi Bennett

May you buy clothes that keep me warm day and night. May you create a strong roof over my head so I will be happy. May you tuck me into bed, every night and never forget. May you travel the world to make your magical sparkly dreams come true. May you dance all night with […]

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An Interview with Queen Anne Book Company

What book nerd hasn’t fantasized about life as a bookseller? In this behind-the-scenes interview with Janis Segress, co-owner of Queen Anne Book Company, we learn what makes their store different, how one gets into the bookselling business, and what sparks joy about the job. Since childhood, Janis Segress dreamed of owning her own bookstore. In […]

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