A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Behind the Scenes

Faces of SAL: Leigh Toner

We have a few new faces on the SAL Board of Directors to introduce to you over the coming weeks! Most of our board members began their SAL journey the same way you did: as readers and event-goers. Learn about the moments that inspired them to get involved more deeply, what they do, where they […]

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In Darkness, Delight: A Meditation on Tana French

In this lovely meditation, SAL Board Member Jennifer Leatherman Wong reflects on falling into the work of a recent SAL author. In this distanced, sanitized, and frightening time, Wong finds comfort in going deep into the dark and the surprising lightness one can find there. By Jennifer Leatherman Wong I stumbled on Tana French’s novels […]

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A Decade of Letterpress: Sarah Kulfan

Each year, in a project led by Sierra Nelson and Ann Teplick of Writers in the Schools, and the School of Visual Concepts, long-term patients from Seattle Children’s Hospital and a team of letterpress artists join forces to create an extraordinary collection of handprinted, limited-edition broadsides. These works of art—which you may have oohed and […]

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Where We Go From Here: A WITS Intern Reflects on Event with Yamiche Alcindor

Akshaya Ajith, a high school student doing a remote internship with the Writers in the Schools program at SAL, attended SAL’s Journalism Series event with Yamiche Alcindor on November 10. Alcindor is the White House correspondent for PBS NewsHour. Read on to hear Akshaya’s reflections on truth, compassion, and connection—and what role they all play […]

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Book Bingo 2020: Therapy for the Soul

By Liz Keenan, SAL Volunteer When SAL asked me to write a blog about 2020 Summer Book Bingo, I was more than thrilled to accept the challenge. As a volunteer for SAL, I was asked to do a roundup of all the participants’ comments and recommendations and was immediately struck by how much Book Bingo […]

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A Decade of Letterpress: Annabelle Larner

Each year, in a project led by Sierra Nelson and Ann Teplick of Writers in the Schools, and the School of Visual Concepts, long-term patients from Seattle Children’s Hospital and a team of letterpress artists join forces to create an extraordinary collection of handprinted, limited-edition broadsides. These works of art—which you may have oohed and […]

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Faces of WITS: Arianne True

Our next featured WITS Writer-in-Residence for the “Faces of WITS” series is Arianne True. Not only does Arianne teach at Hamilton International Middle School, Licton Springs K-8 School, and Nathan Hale High School, Arianne is also one of the Youth Poet Laureate (YPL) program mentors—check out this interview for more info. This fall, Arianne is […]

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Faces of SAL: Gabriela Denise Frank

Those interviews you’ve read on the SAL blog that start with a beautiful reflection, then flow into a conversation about SAL’s biome of writing and reading? The person behind those blog pieces is Gabriela Denise Frank. Often called ‘the interviewer extraordinaire’ by the SAL team,  Gabriela is the asker and the stitcher, drawing out the […]

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