A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Behind the Scenes

Paisley Rekdal, in a red satin suit, stands against a wall at Hugo House that is designed to look like the shadows cast by Emily Dickinson's bedroom window.

Paisley Rekdal on Writing the Wrong Thing

Writers, what is your deepest fear about your craft? On February 6, we hosted a reading with Seattle-born poet and current Utah Poet Laureate, Paisley Rekdal. During the Q&A with SAL’s Associate Director, Rebecca Hoogs, Paisley answered questions about her writing process and her new work, Nightingale, but it was this question about fear that followed her home: “What […]

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Introductions: Jodi Kantor & Megan Twohey

By Ruth Dickey, SAL Executive Director On October 7, 2017, Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey published the first of several explosive New York Times stories on Harvey Weinstein. From that moment forward, their reporting fundamentally changed the conversation about sexual harassment and shifted a balance of power that had previously seemed intractable. In She Said, […]

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Paisley Rekdal, wearing a red satin suit, reads from her book at a lectern, one hand gesturing. Her gaze is cast upwards.

Introductions: Paisley Rekdal

By Rebecca Hoogs, SAL Associate Director Born and raised in Seattle, Paisley Rekdal went to school at the University of Washington before continuing her studies at the University of Michigan and University of Toronto. She is now a professor at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, where it is surely sunnier and drier […]

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Carmen Maria Machado, wearing all black with short-cropped hair, stands a lectern and smiles during her lecture, gazing at a point off camera.

Introductions: Carmen Maria Machado

By Ruth Dickey, SAL Executive Director In the story “The Husband Stitch,” Carmen Maria Machado tells a version of a story about a woman who cooks and eats the liver her husband has bought, and then unable to afford another, cuts out her own liver to feed him. She writes, “That may not be the […]

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Bernini's sculpture, The Rape of Proserpina, stands against a black background.

Time Flown

This essay is part of a series in which Poetry Northwest partners with Seattle Arts & Lectures to present reflections on visiting writers from the SAL Poetry Series. At 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 6, Paisley Rekdal will read at Hugo House. Tickets are still available! By Bill Carty, Senior Editor at Poetry Northwest Pythagoras’s greatest influence upon his […]

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Faces of SAL: Jennifer Leatherman Wong

Just because she’s one of the newest additions to the SAL Board doesn’t mean that writer Jennifer Leatherman Wong hasn’t been attending SAL events for years. Today, we’re delighted to share a Faces of SAL feature with Jennifer so you can get better acquainted. Read on to learn more about “The Great Black Swamp” that […]

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Reading Carmen Maria Machado’s “In the Dream House”

By Bianca Glinskas Carmen Maria Machado’s new work, In the Dream House, uses elements of creative nonfiction, fantasy, pulp fiction, and horror, and more. Each genre uses the capital ‘I’ as its powerful entry point to retell Carmen’s experiences in an abusive queer romantic partnership with somebody who shares the same gender identity. Buzzfeed News […]

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A cozy window shot at Left Bank Books, with a reading nook in a window amidst shelves of books.

Winter Reads: SAL Staff Edition

What books did you gift this winter? While we love a good “Best of 2019” reading list (and share them with abandon), sometimes our favorite book recommendations come from taking a peek at the holiday shopping lists of avid readers. With that in mind, here is our compilation of 32 titles the SAL team gifted, […]

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A black and white close-up of a sign that says "Wall St."

Adam Davidson Answers Five Essential Questions about the Economy

By Rachel Bachler Planet Money. For many Americans, this National Public Radio program is a household name. But for those who find themselves less familiar with its creator, Adam Davidson, let us introduce you: he’s the economy guy. The award-winning co-founder of Planet Money, the former New York Times Magazine’s “It’s the Economy” columnist, and […]

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Nine ArtsFund staff member stand amid balloons, two of which read "50." The hold signs with the ArtsFund logos and hashtags.

ArtsFund’s Favorite Reads of 2019

For 50 years, ArtsFund has been strengthening arts organizations like SAL through their grant-making, leadership, and advocacy, helping to secure the future for arts and culture across the Puget Sound region. In conjunction with their 50th anniversary, we’re excited to share some of the ArtsFund team’s favorite reads of 2019 below, including picks from staff […]

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