A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Women You Need to Know

Reading Carmen Maria Machado’s “In the Dream House”

By Bianca Glinskas Carmen Maria Machado’s new work, In the Dream House, uses elements of creative nonfiction, fantasy, pulp fiction, and horror, and more. Each genre uses the capital ‘I’ as its powerful entry point to retell Carmen’s experiences in an abusive queer romantic partnership with somebody who shares the same gender identity. Buzzfeed News […]

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“Give Me Your Tired,” by Brianna Tran

Give Me Your Tired I can say all that where I come from to where my parents, and their parents were born. But what does it matter our skin, hair or eyes It’s lineage that matters.The seed in which knows how to grow into an apple tree, the apple falls and the seed grows to […]

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“All You Ever Wanted Was A Semyon to Hold,” by Semyon Kiyan

All You Ever Wanted Was A Semyon To Hold After Anastacia Reneé All you ever wanted was a Semyon to hold Why do you always have to be there for your little sister? Why did you get yourself into this? Don’t you dare be transgender Don’t you dare get hurt because you care Don’t you […]

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