A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Seattle Arts and Lectures

Introductions: Alison Bechdel

On October 22 at Town Hall Seattle, SAL Executive Director Ruth Dickey introduced Alison Bechdel, the first author in SAL’s new Women You Need to Know series. When I came out to my family, in 1994, my brother (who was in a PhD program at UMass Amherst and living in Northampton, MA, also known as Lesbianville, […]

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Myself in Translation: An Essay on Alison Bechdel

By Corinne Manning, WITS Writer-in-Residence This essay was first published on October 19, 2015 on LitHub, on the occasion of SAL’s program featuring Alison Bechdel in the 2015/16 Literary Arts Series, written by WITS Writer-in-Residence Corinne Manning. This is my memory, though it’s technically unconfirmed: my mom had seen this flag that she liked, non denominational, […]

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Introductions: Elizabeth Gilbert

On October 5 at Benaroya Hall, SAL Executive Director Ruth Dickey introduced and interviewed Elizabeth Gilbert, the first author in SAL’s 2015/16 Literary Arts Series. In Elizabeth Gilbert’s first novel, Stern Men, she writes of lobstermen off the coast of Maine, and about how what we pursue affects us. She writes, “Dairy farming makes men […]

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“Silent,” by WITS Student Elena DeMaria

Silent The buzz of cyan, teal, turquoise against my eyelids so different, yet so alike Whoosh, I’m gone A shadow of a man needing redevelopment The A-frame taking a spot in my shell of a self then falling away as a spirit the walls close, inward but I am not claustrophobic I am one with […]

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Introductions: Saul Williams

On September 24, Seattle poet, performer, teaching artist and WITS Writer-in-Residence Daemond Arrindell introduced and interviewed Saul Williams, the first presenter of SAL’s 2015/16 Season and in this year’s Hinge Series. Saul Williams has been called many things – Renaissance man, film maker, rapper, actor, hip hop’s poet laureate. “Most of the labels that are projected […]

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