A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Reza Aslan

“Emotionless Thoughts,” by Amr Awaad

Emotionless Thoughts Rhyming is my nature and words are my dreams Because everything I say doesn’t look but it sees The future’s right in front of us but people are blinded By the harsh facts, so they always try to hide it

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Yes, And . . . God: Humanity’s Muse

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th, scholar of religions Reza Aslan will give an original, multi-media presentation on his new book, God: A Human History, an interfaith exploration of how different ideas of God have both united and divided us for millennia, as part of our 2017/18 SAL Presents Series. Tickets are still available here! In anticipation of Reza’s […]

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Five Reasons to See Reza Aslan

We can think of many reasons why you should join SAL on Tuesday, November 14 to hear Reza Aslan, acclaimed scholar of religions and bridge-builder between faiths, present an original multimedia lecture on humanity’s struggle to make sense of the divine. Here are our top five: By: Emmy Newman, SAL Intern 1. He doesn’t play spiritual […]

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