A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Reading Recommendations

2019 Summer Book Bingo: Start Your Next Square

By Danielle Palmer-Friedman Your first #BookBingoNW2019 square is seemingly the easiest to knock out: the board dancing in front of you, all of your options open, untouched. But after you’ve crossed the first category off your list, what should you read next? The forever-growing stack of books at your bedside table looms, almost toppling over […]

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Summer Book Bingo: A Recommendation from Alison Byrne Fields of Aggregate

Summer Book Bingo, a joint program of Seattle Arts & Lectures and The Seattle Public Library, is designed to provide free summer reading fun for all ages. Last summer, participants read a whopping 10,870 books, submitting 668 entries and 323 blackouts—let’s do it again! Download the Adult Card or Kids Card and spend the summer of ’18 reading great books. By Alison Byrne […]

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Books on a Plane: Winter Reading Recs from the SAL Staff

Whether we’re having a quick conversation by the Keurig machine or scribbling furiously when Tom Hanks cites Everyday Stalinism from the SAL stage, book gossip is our currency at the SAL offices. As we look forward to reading with you in 2018, here’s a sneak peek at our holiday reading hopes and dreams: Alicia Craven, WITS […]

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Summer Book Bingo

Summer Book Bingo: Recommended by an Independent Bookseller (Part 2)

Summer Book Bingo is designed to provide free summer reading fun for both adults and kids. Last summer, participants read a total of 8717 books, and we received a whopping 248 blackout cards and 227 bingo cards—let’s do it again! Swing by one of SAL’s partner bookstores this year to grab an Adult or Kid Bingo Card […]

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