A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Memoir

WITS Voices: Getting from Ordinary to Intimate

By Margot Kahn Case, WITS Writer-in-Residence One of the many vagaries of high school, as I remember it and as I see it played out in my WITS classes, is the question, “What makes me unique?” It’s so easy to go down the “I’m-not-very-interesting” path, in the same way that it’s easy to lose sight […]

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Introductions: Drew Barrymore

On the very rainy Saturday, November 7th, SAL Executive Director Ruth Dickey introduced the charismatic Drew Barrymore, who brightened the evening with her stories and words at the Center for Spiritual Living.  Barrymore was joined on stage by director and actor Lynn Shelton, who moderated their conversation. If you are like me, you fell in love with […]

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Following In Her Own Footprints: Alison Bechdel’s Circles of Creativity

By Amelia Peacock, SAL Community Engagement Coordinator In one of A. A. Milne’s most iconic stories featuring everyone’s favorite “bear of very little brain,” Pooh and his best friend Piglet spot what they think are Heffalump tracks in the snow on one of their many walks in the woods. They begin tracking this mysterious, elusive […]

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“My Blankie,” by WITS Student Daniella Edwards

  Daniella Edwards wrote this comic while a student at McClure Middle School in 2014-15, with WITS Writer-in-Residence Greg Stump. She read it to open for Alison Bechdel, the first presenter in SAL’s Women You Need to Know series.

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Introductions: Alison Bechdel

On October 22 at Town Hall Seattle, SAL Executive Director Ruth Dickey introduced Alison Bechdel, the first author in SAL’s new Women You Need to Know series. When I came out to my family, in 1994, my brother (who was in a PhD program at UMass Amherst and living in Northampton, MA, also known as Lesbianville, […]

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Myself in Translation: An Essay on Alison Bechdel

By Corinne Manning, WITS Writer-in-Residence This essay was first published on October 19, 2015 on LitHub, on the occasion of SAL’s program featuring Alison Bechdel in the 2015/16 Literary Arts Series, written by WITS Writer-in-Residence Corinne Manning. This is my memory, though it’s technically unconfirmed: my mom had seen this flag that she liked, non denominational, […]

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