Sean Coury
Sean Coury currently works at Bezos Academy, working to establish a network of tuition-free Montessori-inspired preschools in under-resourced communities in the United States. He was born and raised in Tacoma, which can feel like an anomaly to find in the Seattle area these days!
When Sean isn’t doing SAL Board things, he can be found spending time with his family (spouse and kids (ages 8 and 10). They love to explore the Pacific Northwest and further abroad, and his kids absolutely love exploring new places. Sean and his wife feel lucky that their kids make traveling so easy!
Not a favorite book from his childhood, but Sean recently read The Antlered Ship (written by Dashiki Slater and illustrated by the Terry and Eric Fan) to his children. It’s a story, or an epic quest, about a fox named Marco looking for foxes like himself. Spoiler alert, he doesn’t find them—but he finds something so much better, friends that are different than him. The idea that building friendships can happen anywhere with anyone, you just need to be curious, ask questions, and be interested in others. Good message and the pictures are great!
On Sean’s desk you’ll always find a mug with coffee, a hobonichi planner (they are the perfect size), and he likes to turn his phone into a picture frame while working.
His personal motto is first, show kindness in all that you do. Second, finish the last 10%. The majority of the work is seeing the last 10% to completion.