Emmy Newman
Public Programs Associate (she/her)
I’m the Public Programs Associate which basically means I keep SAL’s programming running smoothly. I’m at all the events, interfacing with authors and publicists and community partners, as well as working on programs like Book Bingo in the summer. I never get tired of being in the lecture hall during a stellar event and feeling that energy coursing through the audience, it feeds my introverted literary soul!
My favorite book as a kid was When the Sun Rose by Barbara Berger. I love illustrated books to this day for all the story they can contain in such few pages, and I loved this one for the simple set-up that felt so complex as you became involved in this friendship between two girls, their dolls, a lion, and the sun.
I’m PNW born and raised! After being away for several years it’s great to be back and connecting with my original literary community. Yes, I love rain and I started drinking black coffee when I was too young to realize what it could do to your stomach lining and now I cannot stop.
When I’m not working, I’m often at the climbing gym or on the hunt for a great dance class, writing poems or reading one of the twenty books currently stacked on my desk. When it’s not hypothermia weather I love swimming in the Sound or when it’s too cold I retreat inside to bake something new and sweet.
My favorite book right now is The Unreality of Memory by Elisa Gabbert, a book of essays that makes you reimagine how it feels to live in this world. Pulling from moments in history like the atomic bomb tests up to discussing the possibility of The Big One hitting Seattle, it’s one for my suitcase of lifetime favorites.