![Carolyn Ainslie](https://lectures.org/wp-content/uploads/Carolyn_Headshot-480x384.jpg)
Carolyn Ainslie
Carolyn Ainslie moved to Seattle two years ago from Princeton, New Jersey, where she was the CFO at Princeton University. She is now the CFO at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where she supports the vision that all lives have equal value and that every person deserves the opportunity for a healthy and productive life. As a kid, Carolyn’s favorite book was Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, and as an adult, she loves his book This is New York—she herself was born in Corning, New York, and never imagined that she would move to a city that also has a glass culture like Seattle. Right now, however, her favorite book is Becoming Duchess Goldblatt because “it raises so many issues of connection in this world when we can’t physically be together and the importance of feeling like you belong.” A memorable SAL event for Carolyn was Ta-Nehisi Coates for “his humanity and the power of personal stories.” Her personal motto is: “Be Kind.”