Ben Rankin

Ben Rankin


Before Ben Rankin came to the SAL board, he tilted at paper machines.

His favorite book as a child was Alexander and the Magic Mouse because Yak; because alligator, misunderstood; because cat, brindle, of course.

On his desk, you’ll find an expired passport, a MegaBoom portable speaker, a letter from the Town of Brattleboro about a new neighbor, Subterra Cannabis LLC, who plan a “miscellaneous manufacturing use.”

His favorite book right now is his little white Moleskine, because it’s where he keeps the notes for the Arts! Vector, in contrast to his little black Moleskine, where he keeps the notes for the Money and Blah Blah Blah Vector.

When not working on the SAL board, Ben can be found playing violin at Jazz Night School.