One of America’s most beloved radio shows, The Moth Mainstage features stories by luminaries in the arts and sciences, newsmakers and news breakers, and every day heroes (and even a few reformed villains).
Each Moth Mainstage show features five storytellers who develop and shape their stories around a theme with the Moth’s directors. Beyond a mere theatrical experience, The Moth is an ever-growing community where entertainment, enlightenment and festivity merge.
The theme for the night will be: The Ties That Bind
Our Host
DAVID CRABB is an author, comedian and storyteller in Los Angeles. He is a Moth StorySLAM host and winner. The memoir based on his New York Times Critics’ Pick solo show Bad Kid was released in 2015 by Harper Perennial. David is a lead instructor in The Moth’s High School StorySLAM program and serves as a writing mentor for veterans across the country with The Writers Guild Initiative’s Wounded Warrior Project. He is the host and co-producer of’s Stories In Session, an ongoing series about the art and craft of contemporary storytelling. He loves dogs, Morrissey and fancy coffee. Twitter: @thedavidcrabb
Our Storytellers
DAVID ALEXANDER has made a living telling stories of one kind or another since college, where he majored in Theater. In Portland, he has an extensive writing, producing, directing, and performing background in television, theater, radio, advertising, and film production. Wandering South to Los Angeles he became a member of the Writer’s Guild penning screenplays for the likes of CBS, USA, Hallmark, and Cannon Films. It was in L.A. that he first stepped on a stage to tell stories. After twenty-two years in California, he came home to Portland where he still writes screenplays, still tells stories, and still says, “I’ve got a novel in me too… someplace.”
YASSMIN FASHIR is currently a freshmen at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Her majors include International Studies and Arabic, and her Minors include French, possibly Swahili, possibly Spanish, and possibly journalism. She is very passionate about social justice and human rights. Yassmin was born in Darfur, Sudan but eventually moved to the US as a political refugee along with the rest of her family. She is involved with many organizations such as the African Student Association, Muslim Student Association, Amnesty International, Eigenmann International Diversity Council as well as the Student Equity and Inclusion Coalition.
CHRIS McKINLAY is a senior data scientist at Data Science. Chris received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from UCLA in 2013. He lives in Los Angeles.
DANUSIA TREVINO is an actress, musician and playwright. She emigrated from Poland and escaped Martial Law by one month. She toured the United States and Europe with the New York City band FUR. As an actress, her first stage performance was at the Pyramid Club with the Black Lips Performance Cult and Antony Hagerty (now Anohni). Since then she has appeared in theater (PS122, SITI Company Natl. Tour, LaMaMa, HBPF, 59E59st, Theater Row), film (Acts of Worship, Where is Joel Baum, Metamorphosis and recently premiered at Wooster Group’s Performing Garage, Xenophilia) and webseries (The Louise Log). Danusia has taken her one-woman show, Wonder Bread, to the fringe festival in Edinburgh and various New York venues including The Players Club, where she was asked to perform for Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara during a gala honoring their work. Most recently she was a part of the New York literary salon “Women of Letters” at Joe’s Pub. She is also a Moth GrandSLAM winner. Danusia lives with her husband, Xavier, in Harlem.
DAME WILBURN is a community educator with Generation With Promise out of Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan, and Chief Marketing Director for Twisted Willow Soap Company. She credits her storytelling abilities to attending the Detroit Waldorf School for ten years and spending summers on the front porch of her grandparents in Macon, Georgia. Dame spends her free time writing poetry, singing and working on her first book. She is married to the most beautiful woman in the world and has seven fur babies who are the bane of her existence.