A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Phillip Chavira, Executive Director of Intiman Theatre

Summer Book Bingo: A Recommendation from Intiman Theatre’s Phillip Chavira

Summer Book Bingo is designed to provide free summer reading fun for both adults and kids. Last summer, participants read a total of 8717 books, and we received a whopping 248 blackout cards and 227 bingo cards—let’s do it again! Swing by one of SAL’s partner bookstores this year to grab an Adult or Kid Bingo Card […]

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Two Recommendations from Katharine Wright

Summer Book Bingo: Two Recommendations from Katharine Wright

Summer Book Bingo is designed to provide free summer reading fun for both adults and kids. Last summer, participants read a total of 8717 books, and we received a whopping 248 blackout cards and 227 bingo cards—let’s do it again! Swing by one of SAL’s partner bookstores this year to grab an Adult or Kid Bingo Card […]

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Why I Love Book Bingo

By Libby Lewis, SAL Photographer If you’ve met me—and I don’t mean if we’re friends, I mean if you’ve met me at all: mailman, in line at the store, next to me on the train—you know that I love book bingo. I’ll strike up a conversation about it with anyone—mostly because I’m obsessing about it, […]

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Beverly Schaefer, co-owner of the beloved Katterman’s Sand Point Pharmacy

Summer Book Bingo: Two Recommendations from Local Pharmacist Beverly Schaefer

Summer Book Bingo is designed to provide free summer reading fun for both adults and kids. Last summer, participants read a total of 8717 books, and we received a whopping 248 blackout cards and 227 bingo cards—let’s do it again! Swing by one of SAL’s partner bookstores this year to grab an Adult or Kid Bingo Card […]

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Introductions: Jeffrey Tambor

On May 23 at Town Hall Seattle, Emmy and Golden Globe-winning actor Jeffrey Tambor spoke about his new memoir, Are You Anybody?, to close our 2016/17 SAL Presents Series. SAL Associate Director introduced the evening, and the night’s conversation was moderated by Seattle entertainment writer Melanie McFarland, who wrote about the experience on By […]

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“Do Not Forget” by 2017 YPL Ambassador Namaka Auwae-Dekker

Do Not Forget My name is more than Just a name It is a proclamation A declaration of prosperity My name is dead ancestors breathing fresh air My name carries the near dead Tongue of my lineage to shore The mispronunciation of my name is Wind blowing the sails My name has been slaughtered, Butchered, […]

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Book Covers Header

Summer Book Bingo: Square One

Summer Book Bingo is designed to provide free summer reading fun for both adults and kids. Last summer, participants read a total of 8717 books, and we received a whopping 248 blackout cards and 227 bingo cards—let’s do it again! Swing by one of SAL’s partner bookstores this year to grab an Adult or Kid Bingo Card […]

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WITS Voices: Getting Around the Real

By Kelly Froh, WITS Writer-in-Residence I had an idea to engage my middle-schoolers with a series of curated exercises that would magically entwine, crossover, and accelerate their understanding of the comics form, and that these students would turn out incredible comic pages for a final printed project. It did not occur to me that some […]

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Creative Obsessions: Learning from Emily Nussbaum’s Critical Mantras

By Erin Langner The first review I ever wrote was of the soundtrack for Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet. It was for Jefferson Junior High School’s Patriot newspaper in 1997. To say I was obsessed with the movie is a dramatic understatement. It’s still the only film I’ve seen in the theater three times. The […]

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