A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“Convolution,” by Charlotte Calero

Convolution Graphite stains my fingertips. From time spent drawing when I should be thinking. How could I, though? When deep purple stares from beneath my eyes. Time is spent drawing when I should be thinking. Doodles of people, with perfect hair and perfect smiles. Deep purple stares from beneath my eyes. I wish I was […]

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An Interview with WITS Duo John McCartney and Arianne True

By Gabriela Denise Frank Poetry tills the soil of our hearts. By till, I mean cultivate. By cultivate, I mean poetry works the earth of our humanity. By work, I mean it disturbs the fallow routines of everyday life. Poetry breaks the crust of habit. It loosens old roots, amends the spirit with language, imagery, […]

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Ruth Dickey stands at a lectern speaking into the microphone while holding a piece of paper.

A Letter from Ruth

Dear friends, When poet Rick Kenney was here with us this past fall he said, “The world is both horrible and gorgeous.” I’ve been thinking about his words as we witness what feels like the most spectacular spring I can remember, walking our way through explosions of blossom and leaf, the muting and un-muting of the scent […]

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To My Students: ‘Hope’ is the Thing With Feathers

Joel Jacobson is a teacher at Nathan Hale High School who participates in our Writers in the Schools program—but not only does he work with WITS: he actually was a WITS student himself as a high schooler, at the very same school, with Writer-in-Residence Charles Mudede. He still can point to the pages in the […]

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2020 Summer Book Bingo: Recommended by an Independent Bookstore—Part One

2020 Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, has begun early this year! Download your card here. Start your summer reading now and aim for bingo or blackout for a chance to win fabulous prizes. Engage with others and their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 on social media. Want […]

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Faith in the Particular

This essay is part of a series in which Seattle Arts & Lectures partners with Poetry Northwest to present reflections on visiting writers from SAL’s Poetry Series. At 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 15, Rick Barot give a virtual reading on to celebrate the launch of The Galleons, followed by a 30-minute conversation with Jane […]

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Kids Summer Book Bingo: A Book You Read When You Were Younger

Kids Summer Book Bingo is Seattle Arts & Lectures’ free summer reading program for kids and young adults ages 0-17—and it’s here early this year! Download your bingo card here, then spend now through September 8th reading for your chance to win fabulous prizes! Our Writers in the Schools (WITS) program is held together by […]

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Summer Book Bingo: Recommended by a Friend

  2020 Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, has begun early this year! Download your card here. Start your summer reading now and aim for bingo or blackout for a chance to win fabulous prizes. Engage with others and their own reading adventures by using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2020 […]

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The 2020 Prowda Literary Champion Award Winners

We’re so honored to present Amy Wheeler, outgoing Executive Director of Hedgebrook, and Books to Prisoners as the seventh annual Prowda Literary Champions. Their vital work sustains our community of readers and writers, and opens our minds to new ideas and possibilities to create a more just, compassionate world. We hope you’ll join us in […]

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“COVID-19,” by Dora Leingang

COVID-19   Akin to a dandelion whose seeds roam aimlessly And infect whomever they please, armed with a wicked and unrelenting grasp, isolation, and desperation abound as well as wrath and greed. Political leaders terrified through their tough facades, cowering behind walls they’ve put up iron, steel, cement. Lungs, breathing sparsely in and out. This poem was […]

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