A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Faces of WITS: Arlene Naganawa

The ability to express oneself clearly, with strength and beauty, is essential to creating change. With each classroom visit, our WITS Writers-in-Residence—working with students across public school...

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Introductions: Margaret Atwood

By Ruth Dickey, SAL Executive Director We are here tonight to celebrate the paperback release of Margaret Atwood’s riveting, Booker Prize-winning book, The Testaments. As the book begins, we hear fr...

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“the ones left behind,” by Iris Worrall

the ones left behind i am the rocks you gathered and stuffed in your pocket the bubbles that escaped your mouth as you sunk to the bottom i am the faces they made when your body was dredged up from th...

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Ruth Dickey stands at a lectern speaking into the microphone while holding a piece of paper.

A Letter from Ruth

Dear friends, In the first poem in 2019/20 Youth Poet Laureate Wei-Wei Lee’s book, In the Footsteps of a Thousand Griefs, she writes:   Since then, I am always half-turned, wherever I go. Int...

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Liz Keenan is in a grassy field with a golden Labrador and a black Labrador

Faces of SAL: Liz Keenan

We are so fortunate to have a team of volunteers that give their time and skills to SAL. Liz Keenan is one such volunteer, and she has helped out in the SAL office for the past year; and, when we had ...

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Summer Book Bingo: Books by Indigenous Authors

There are only three weeks left to play Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, so be sure to get your card! Engage with other bingo players and find out th...

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Ruth Dickey stands at a lectern speaking into the microphone while holding a piece of paper.

A Letter from Ruth

Dear friends, August is (since 2017) the month of The Sealey Challenge, launched by Nicole Sealey, former Executive Director of Cave Canem. The challenge is simple—read 31 books or chapbooks of poet...

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Summer Book Bingo: What Mark Suzman is Reading

We love getting a window into what our friends and community members are reading—and Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, is our favorite way to spark...

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