A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Category: Summer Book Bingo

A hand-drawn bingo board that says "Winter Book Bingo" at the top. Categories are: PNW author, re-read a book you loved as a youngster, a book that was banned, a book about disability, themes of diaspora or migration, graphic novel or comic, poetry, a friend just read, translated into english, memoir or biography, QPOC author, listen to an audiobook read by author, free, epistolary format, spirituality or religion, nature, short stories, book later made into a movie, relates to social movement history, set in fall or winter, queer history, DIY, about the indigenous history of a place you've lived, book your ancestors would disapprove of, fantasy or sci-fi or horror.

A Winter Reading Challenge

On what otherwise might be a gloomy December day, we are delighted to share this winter reading challenge, with text by WITS Writer-in-Residence Shelby Handler and art by Beck Gross. Inspired by SAL and The Seattle Public Library’s Summer Book Bingo program, Shelby and Beck created their own Winter Book Bingo board to get them […]

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Summer Book Bingo: The Many Reasons to Play

by Kate Jones, Summer Intern   Another wonderful summer has come and gone, and I’m looking at my finished Summer Book Bingo board, trying to articulate why I love this experience so much. I’m no Book Bingo veteran—this is only my second card—but I’m starting to boil it down to a few reasons, reasons that […]

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Summer Book Bingo Made Me Do It: A Comment Round-Up

In the SAL offices, perched on top of our kitchen table, is a little wire basket which only gets filled in the summer months—it’s our Summer Book Bingo mailbox, where an entrant’s board goes to await the prize drawings. What’s just as fascinating as the squares is each board’s reverse side, where bingo players talk […]

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Summer Book Bingo: The BIG 5—5 Books that Think BIG

By Rachel Bachler It’s sitting there just staring at you. The end of the last ‘sunny-picture’ calendar page. Only a few short weeks until you inevitably lift the page to see a background of orange and red maples looming above the family in matching Pendleton coats and yellow rain boots. Aside from the pumpkin spice […]

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6 Science Reads for Long August Days

By Ines Tucakovic August marks the pinnacle of summer for those of us living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, as the weather finally stabilizes a bit and we can enjoy the splendor of elongated days filled with sunshine and late sunsets. Book lovers everywhere can rejoice – this means extra hours in the sun to […]

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Summer Book Bingo: Top 7 Books Gone Blockbuster

By Rachel Bachler It only takes a moment. The peer through a locked door, the knock of an unexpected guest; a moment that, in an intimate bigness, all at once fills our eyes with wonder and our heart with anticipation. Occasionally, a moment comes along imparting such wonder and curiosity that we can’t help but […]

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A High School Senior Takes on Summer Book Bingo

This week, our Writers in the Schools program has been delighted to work with high school student and Summer Book Bingo hopeful Tula Hanson, who is job-shadowing with us. Below, Tula gives her recommendations for three reads, including one about a fox who eavesdrops on children’s bedtime stories. As a bonus, if you’re still looking […]

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2019 Summer Book Bingo: Today’s Top 5 in YA

By Rachel Bachler Something about adolescence is fleetingly romantic. Dystopian odds, unassuming heroes, nights that linger long after the mid-day sun has appeared; worlds that are often lost along the way to more seasoned-life literature. But every now and then, we allow ourselves a nostalgic indulgence in the Young Adult corner of Elliott Bay Book Company—only […]

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Summer Book Bingo 2019: Recommended by an Independent Bookstore

By Danielle Palmer-Friedman Few know books better than independent booksellers—that’s why each year, there’s a #BookBingoNW2019 square dedicated to their sage reading advice. This summer, we decided to take it a step further. What if, instead of just one square, your ENTIRE board was suggested by the experienced, avid readers at your favorite local bookstore? Well, we […]

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2019 Summer Book Bingo: Start Your Next Square

By Danielle Palmer-Friedman Your first #BookBingoNW2019 square is seemingly the easiest to knock out: the board dancing in front of you, all of your options open, untouched. But after you’ve crossed the first category off your list, what should you read next? The forever-growing stack of books at your bedside table looms, almost toppling over […]

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