Summer Book Bingo: Nature
April 23, 2020
2020 Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, is coming very soon! We’ve been giving a sneak preview of a Book Bingo square each week until the full card i...
A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures
2020 Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, is coming very soon! We’ve been giving a sneak preview of a Book Bingo square each week until the full card i...
2020 Summer Book Bingo, our free summer reading program with The Seattle Public Library, is nearly here—early! We’re giving a sneak preview of a Book Bingo square each week until the full card is ...
On what otherwise might be a gloomy December day, we are delighted to share this winter reading challenge, with text by WITS Writer-in-Residence Shelby Handler and art by Beck Gross. Inspired by SAL a...
by Kate Jones, Summer Intern Another wonderful summer has come and gone, and I’m looking at my finished Summer Book Bingo board, trying to articulate why I love this experience so much. I’m...
In the SAL offices, perched on top of our kitchen table, is a little wire basket which only gets filled in the summer months—it’s our Summer Book Bingo mailbox, where an entrant’s board ...
By Rachel Bachler It’s sitting there just staring at you. The end of the last ‘sunny-picture’ calendar page. Only a few short weeks until you inevitably lift the page to see a background of oran...
By Ines Tucakovic August marks the pinnacle of summer for those of us living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, as the weather finally stabilizes a bit and we can enjoy the splendor of elongated days...
By Rachel Bachler It only takes a moment. The peer through a locked door, the knock of an unexpected guest; a moment that, in an intimate bigness, all at once fills our eyes with wonder and our heart ...
This week, our Writers in the Schools program has been delighted to work with high school student and Summer Book Bingo hopeful Tula Hanson, who is job-shadowing with us. Below, Tula gives her recomme...
By Rachel Bachler Something about adolescence is fleetingly romantic. Dystopian odds, unassuming heroes, nights that linger long after the mid-day sun has appeared; worlds that are often lost along th...