A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Faces of SAL: Inez Maubane Jones

We’re delighted to introduce you to Inez Maubane Jones, SAL’s new Grants and Sponsorships Manager! You may know Inez from her work in the arts on Bainbridge Island as Executive Director for Arts & Humanities Bainbridge and co-leader of the collaboration that launched & ran the Bainbridge Creative District. 

To help you get to know Inez, we asked her about her hobbies, her favorite book right now, Jason Reynolds, and more—read on.

What do you do at SAL?
As the Grants & Sponsorships Manager—I write, communicate, and create connection.

What was your favorite book as a kid, and why?
For me, it was “The Three Little Pigs.” A well told story with a strong moral code. If you cut corners and refuse to dig deep, you’ll be shaken. Build on solid ground. Whatever comes, you won’t be blown away but will stand and continue to thrive.

Where are you from?
Originally from South Africa, Pretoria. I’ve lived on 3 continents and now call Bainbridge Island home.

What was your favorite SAL event, and why?
Jason Reynolds. Genius doesn’t appear everyday. When you see it, you sit up straighter. The youth writer who presented before Reynolds exemplified SAL’s intergenerational storytelling. It was electrifying. Unforgettable.

What emoji best represents you (and why)?
Blue butterfly. I believe in freedom, joy, lightness, and creativity.

Favorite book right now (and why)?
I just finished reading Bernadine Evaristo’s “Manifesto: On Never Giving Up.” It’s a love letter to writers from a writer. As the title suggests, she’s a hardworking optimist who faced enough winds to tempt her to put down her pen. She persisted. Unvarnished, engaging, honest, insightful, inspiring. Loved it!

What’s your personal motto?

Thank you, Inez! Welcome aboard!

Posted in SAL Staff/Board