A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

Youth Poet Laureate Finalists stand in a circle with one hand extended in the center

The 2020/21 Youth Poet Laureate Applications Have Opened!

Attention all young poets, rappers, leaders, and activists in the greater Seattle area, ages 14-19: are you interested in representing Seattle as the 2020/21 Youth Poet Laureate? We’re now accepting applications for this year’s Youth Poet Laureate program, and we want to see your work!

What is the YPL program? Since 2015, the Seattle Youth Poet Laureate (YPL) program has aimed to identify young writers and leaders who are committed to poetry, performance, civic and community engagement, education, and equity across the Puget Sound Region. Find out more about the YPL program here.

What opportunities come with being in the YPL cohort? The YPL finalists will have numerous platforms to share their powerful voices, their leadership, and love of Seattle at regional events throughout the course of the year. The winning poet gets the title of Seattle Youth Poet Laureate for the 2020/21 year, plus a book deal with Poetry NW Editions. All finalists will also be invited to a celebration of their work in the spring, and will be part of a year-long poetry writing cohort with mentor poets Laura Da’ and Arianne True.

The application is very simple—see below for the steps.

2020/21 Application Guidelines

1. Applicants must be current residents of the greater Seattle area, and between the ages of 14-19. (Applicants living outside Seattle city borders are welcome to apply, knowing many events during the year take place in Seattle, so regular access to Seattle is requested.)

2. Submit five original poems. You may include YouTube links to videos of readings, raps, performances, and so on, if applicable. For videos, please attach the text of the piece performed.

3. Include a one-page resume that includes your name, address, phone number, and email, as well as a detailed list of your accomplishments, community service, after school programs, volunteer experiences, and awards. A sample resume is included in our 2020/21 Youth Poet Laureate Guidelines, or you may use your own format.

4. Your application is due by Friday, April 24, 2020. Email your poetry and resume to

Posted in Youth Poet Laureate2019/20 Season