Indies First: SAL Instagram Takeover
November 22, 2016
Book nerds, it’s time to use your powers for good! On Small Business Saturday, November 26, Indies First will be unfolding at an independent bookstore near you. This national campaign to support local indies was launched by Sherman Alexie in 2013, a day where thousands of authors volunteered as guest booksellers across the country.
In an open letter to fellow readers, Lena Dunham—this year’s spokesperson for Indies First—writes, “I wouldn’t be who I am without independent bookstores. It might seem bizarre to make a commercial enterprise a cornerstone of your identity, so let me explain. Indie bookstores are like college and a nightclub combined—places for learning, community-building, and falling in love with strangers.”
All good reasons to support your local bookstores. But, if you need even more incentive, Sherman Alexie is amping up the fun this year with the Indies First Party Bus: a bus filled with 25 authors, artists, and other great minds in Seattle, all of whom will be descending upon local indies, drawing attention and excitement for all things books.
Catch Sherman’s Party Bus as it stops at these three locations on November 26:
12-1 PM – Third Place Books Seward Park
2-3 PM – University Book Store
4-5 PM – Elliott Bay Book Company
And, for an added bonus, our friend Paul Constant will be taking over SAL’s Instagram account for the day, sharing stories and snaps from the road! Follow our Instagram @seattleartsandlectures to see the lit and hilarity that will ensue.

Sherman Alexie modeling an Indies First tote bag. Photo credit: American Booksellers Association.