SAL By Candlelight: Announcing a glassybaby Partnership
September 23, 2016
What are those vibrant SAL-red candles illuminating the stage at Benaroya Hall this season?
Meet ‘Seattle Sunset’.
SAL is excited to announce that, beginning in September, glassybaby is sharing 10% of its ‘Seattle Sunset’ proceeds in support of our Writers in the Schools Program. These candles will be lighting our stage with a festive glow all season and helping fuel WITS. glassybaby, which crafts its beautiful glass candle holders in Seattle’s Madrona neighborhood, has raised more than $5 million for charity by donating 10% of every sale to nonprofits that provide support to those in need. From glassybaby’s blog:
Each lecture held by the organization celebrates the literary work of writers, poets, and creatives in and around the Puget Sound area. By bringing these lectures into local K-12 public schools & Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle Arts & Lectures challenges and inspires students to write about what they know best: themselves. In doing so, the organization helps each individual discover their own unique writing style and voice at an impressionable point in their lives.
This year, the WITS Program will serve 25 schools in four school districts through author visits, writing contests, and public readings. Since its inception in 1994, over 10,000 students have been impacted by the WITS Program.
The perfect color for the holidays, ‘Seattle Sunset’ candles can be purchased online or in glassybaby stores, and you can find out more information about this partnership during our events at the SAL information table.