
“Seattle is a better, kinder, and more thoughtful place because of the work that you all do. Thank you.”
– SAL Patron

A set of wave-like forms with blended pastel colors that span the spectrum of the rainbow. Images of shark fins and clown shoes emerge from the waves.

2024 Back-to-School Campaign

Support our 2024 Back-to-School Campaign! Throughout September, our goal is to raise $150,000 for SAL’s two Youth Programs—Writers in the Schools (WITS) and the Youth Poetry Fellowship (YPF)— so that young people can become the authors of their own lives and ensure that all students have access to a creative life.

Two young boys at a reading hold up signs that say,

Individual Giving

SAL counts on supporters like you to help us bring our community together – people of all ages and backgrounds – to read and write, to listen deeply, and to bring forward the voices we all need to hear. Sixty percent of our annual revenue comes from charitable donations. Please join us to power another year of inspiration, conversation, and community.

Two speakers sit in armchairs on a brightly-lit stage, with a fully-lit Benaroya Hall behind them; every seat looks full.

Institutional Giving

Generous support from corporate sponsors, foundations, and public entities makes it possible for SAL to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together for transformative literary arts experiences. Learn more about becoming a corporate sponsor today.